NGC7331 spiral galaxy in Pegasus, September 2013
Orion Optics VX12 F4 working at F8 with TeleVue 2x Powermate 2 Inch, SBIG ST-4000XCM -15C 10h40min (64x600sec).
NGC7331 is a spiral galaxy is ~49 million light years away and is moving
away from us at a speed of ~816 kilometers pr. second. It's about 100000 light years across and is similar in size and apperance to our own milky way galaxy.
At the center of NGC7331 there appears to be a super massive black hole as for the milky way (Sagitarius A*).
The two visually near by galaxies to the left in this view are actually about 10 timer further away also note the many very small galaxies seen for instance
to the lower right in the image.
Processing: CCDSoft, Astroart 5.0.
Log of CCD Inspector 6'th of September:

All frames used.
Log of CCD Inspector 13'th of September:

All frames used.
Plot of guide errors 6'th of September:

Plot of guide errors 6'th of September:

Plot of guide errors 13'th of September: